Last days in May 2019 members of the REPAiR consortium spent In Naples, where the sixth project meeting took place. These were two days Intensive work-practical meetings, discussions, workshops and exchanges of Ideas. The participants were focused on the continuation of work within each Exchange of experience and further project plans. The most important poinThe last days of May 2019, members of the REPAiR consortium spent in Naples, where the sixth project meeting took place. These were two days of intense work – practical meetings, discussions, workshops, and exchange of ideas. The participants were focused on the continuation of work within individual WPs, exchange of experiences, and further project plans. The highlight of the program was the ability to test the GDSE tool by all participants – concerning the needs of individual case studies. An additional attraction was a trip to the Apple Academy and learning about the assumptions of the projects: an ecological district in eastern Naples and the Social Garden in Ponticelli – turning the wasteland into a sustainable city.
MORE: http://h2020repair.eu/the-6th-consortium-meeting-in-naples/