PHENO HORIZON is one of the partners in REPAiR (REsource Management in Peri-urban AReas) project, realized within Horizon 2020.
Goal of the project
The goal of the project is to develop innovative, transdisciplinary environment supporting decision making in planning and management of the city. This internet tool will allow to build spatial management strategies – both in context of scientific research and political decision-making.
The goal of management with usage of GDSE tool will be control and modeling of metabolism of the city in order to achieve circular economy.
The REPAiR Project will be conducted with defined methodology. It will include those activities:




One of the main challenges of REPAiR project is integration of methods used in cities resources management and sharing with local stakeholders tool with unique abilities of forecasting a spatial development.
In the European Union (EU), 16 tonnes of material per person are used annually. Influences that remain in urban areas become part of the urban ecosystem in the form of landfills, wastewater treatment plants and physical infrastructure, while urban outflows are exported back to remote locations as pollutants and consumables. Research in industrial ecology and related fields has labeled these inflows and outflows of materials and energy as “urban metabolism” (UM). In the EU, of these 16 tonnes, 6 tonnes become waste (EC, 2010). This production of waste indicates a limited ability to use resources efficiently, both in converting them into consumables and in converting waste back into valuable resources.
To who?
REPAiR project is mostly targeted towards local authorities, urban and strategic planners and most importantly all actors responsible for waste management and environment quality, representants of institutions from Łódź region, business and research facilities working on city metabolism.
Please contact us if you are interested in the project.

If you need more informations about this project or you see potential for your city. please contact me