#EURegionsWeek 2019 was held in October in Brussels. As part of this year’s edition of the event, on October 8, there was a session on the transformation of the circular economy in European regions and cities. The exact topic of the session was Greener Europe – eng. A greener Europe.
The main topic of the session was the circular economy and its unused potential in generating positive effects for the environment and economic activity, but also for achieving sustainable development by cities and regions or involving citizens in their development.
Among the speakers, there was Andreas Obersteg from the German HafenCity University, who introduced the audience to the topic of managing changes in the circular economy in European regions. Dr. Joanna Williams from UCL in the United States talked about the most modern changes in the circular economy. Rusne Sileryte and Alexander Wandl from TU Delft in the Netherlands presented the topic of the GDSE decision support environment for territorial circular economy strategies.
Undoubtedly, all the above-mentioned speeches aroused many discussions, words of admiration, but also controversy among the participants of the A greener Europe meeting during #EURegionsWeek.
Małgorzata Grodzicka – Kowalczyk from Pheno Horizon, who together with Dr. Libera Amenta (UNINA, Italy) conducted a panel on innovative circular economy strategies. In their considerations, they focused on the implementation of new solutions in cities – including Łódź.
During the session, the GDSE tool developed by the REPAIR project was presented, it combines decision models with the possibilities of flow mapping, assessment of sustainable development, and creation of co-creation strategies. The participants of the meeting had the opportunity to test them, thanks to which it was received very positively. The tool was appreciated for its amount of flow data and the opportunities it gives in popularizing the management process.