“Implementation of the Water Management Plan in the Vistula basin on the example of the Pilica catchment”, No. LIFE19 IPE/PL/000005 – IP LIFE PL Pilica Basin CTRL, co-financed by the European Union from the LIFE program


The main objective of the project is to improve the quality and biodiversity of the waters of the Pilica river basin, including the Sulejów Reservoir.

Specific actions planned include:

  • Raising environmental awareness in the agricultural sector
  • Supporting water and sewage management in rural areas by developing strategic documents for local authorities (at the processing stage) and support in obtaining funds
  • Supporting retention activities and improving hydromorphological conditions
  • Indication of possible pilot investments in the Blue-Blue Infrastructure (BZI) which are to affect the reduction of water pollution in rural areas, increase the retention and treatment of rainwater


The main challenge is external support in the field of economic analysis – cost-benefit analyzes of adaptation plans for each of the 5 cities and determining the possibilities of obtaining funds for adaptation activities related to blue and green infrastructure in the water management sector, in terms of optimization of activities and reduction of pressure on catchment area.


Basic assamptions:

Due to the diversity of target needs in individual cities, i.e.: (1) Piotrków Trybunalski, (2) Opoczno, (3) Włoszczowa, (4) Sulejów, (5) Koniecpol – we recommend developing a common matrix enabling the analysis of costs and benefits for each local government unit , taking into account the local conditions of each of the above cities.

Assumptions of the methodology regarding investment activities:

Based on the results of the workshops that were organized for individual cities from June to August 2022, a number of technologically similar activities can be seen, but different in terms of the size of the impact on the urban fabric, and thus on the adaptation and mitigation effects obtained in a given local government unit. Determining specific, measurable, quantifiable benefits can be achieved only after verifying specific, dedicated investment activities, i.e.: ponds, drainage ditches, openwork slabs in car parks or temporary parking areas.

Cost methodology assumptions:

Each of the considered investments resulting from the MPA involves quantifiable costs. However, their amount depends on many factors:

  • land ownership and its legal conditions
  • terrain type
  • substrate
  • planned from the use of construction technologies
  • the complexity and scope of the necessary design and as-built documentation.

We recommend assuming averaged costs for each type of investment (including BZI), which are expected to be implemented for a given local government unit, however, with an indication of additional costs that may result from the specificity of the city (e.g. the need to acquire real estate on which the investment is to be carried out) , the need to carry out the procedure of amending planning documents, others). In addition, the implementation of the described activities will/may be accompanied by organizational, educational or promotional activities, the costs of which will also be included in the total costs of implementing the activities indicated in the MPA.

Assumptions of the methodology regarding benefits:

Selected investment activities bring specific benefits – depending on such factors as:

  • the frequency of construction or other disasters caused in a given area
  • degree of threat to the lives of residents
  • degree of deterioration in the quality of life of residents,
  • degree of impact of a given phenomenon in local government units
  • amount of historically incurred expenses for the removal of effects resulting from the impact of processes related to climate change.


Project will be realized in 5 municipalites:

  • Piotrków Trybunalski
  • Opoczno
  • Włoszczowa
  • Sulejów
  • Koniecpol


National Water Holding Polish Waters Regional Water Management Authority in Warsaw (acting as the Coordinating Beneficiary), European Regional Center for Ecohydrology of the Polish Academy of Sciences, Foundation for the Development of Polish Agriculture and FPP Enviro


  • Gmina miejsko-wiejskiej Koniecpol – 2022.07.21 
  • Gmina miejsko-wiejskiej Opoczno – 2022.07.28 
  • Miasto na prawach powiatu Piotrków Trybunalski- 2022.07.28 
  • Miasto na prawach powiatu Włoszczowa -2022.08.04 
  • Miasto na prawach powiatu Sulejów -2022.08.18 

If you need more information about this project or see the potential for your project or initiative, contact me: